Meet the people whose hard work brings engaging science to children in Yolo County and beyond!
Explorit is governed by a volunteer board of trustees and operated by a professional staff with the assistance of many loyal volunteers.
A word from our Board President...
My motivation to join the Explorit leadership team arises from my experiences as a UC Davis Professor for 20+ years and my long-standing advocacy for science education. My work at UC Davis, both as a researcher and educator, have led me to rethink and endeavor to transform the way with teach biology at the college level. One of my highest priorities has been to develop more equitable and accessible experiential learning opportunities for our students as a way to connect our biology majors with societally relevant and impactful inquiries. At its essence, my focus is to ensure that our students are “engaged” with the narrative of our shared biology to prepare them to make informed and ethical decisions on the management of all life on our planet. Joining the board of Explorit is a natural extension of this work and I hope to contribute to empowering young minds to ask questions and to find hope that their actions can support the future sustainability of our planet.
Board of Trustees
Explorit Board Mission:
Through proper and effective governance and stewardship to enable Explorit to carry out its programmatic mission throughout the area.
Our trustees (members of the Board of Directors) are elected to two year terms. They represent a geographical area that roughly represents our service area and they represent a variety of areas within science, business, and professional expertise. Each trustee is required to make an annual monetary contribution. Officers of the board are elected at the Annual Meeting to one-year terms.
" I am proud to be a part of Explorit's important role of supporting and creating tomorrow's scientists. We ensure access to hands-on, fun learning experiences for families throughout the region."

"I hope to contribute to empowering young minds to ask questions and to find hope that their actions can support the future sustainability of our planet."
Ken Kaplan is a Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology at UC Davis and runs a research program focused on understanding how normal cells transition to disease states that contribute to poor health outcomes. As vice chair of teaching for the MCB department, Ken has focused on improving undergraduate education and is an advocate for improving science communication more broadly in our shared communities. Ken received his Bachelor’s degree at Haverford College, his PhD from UCSF and carried out post-doctoral training at M.I.T. before moving to UC Davis.
" I think it is so very important for kids of all ages to have fun with science as they learn about this complex world around us."
Vice President
Since earning her Ph.D. in Plant Pathology in 1988, Phyllis's primary research focus has been the discovery and development of disease resistance in vegetable crops. She has 29 years of experience in plant-disease research, research leadership, product discovery, and development in the vegetable seed industry. For the past five years, Phyllis has been based at the UC Davis Seed Biotechnology Center to lead the vegetable seed industry funded Collaboration for the Identification of Plant Pathogen Strains (CPPSI).

"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Science education has never been more important and Explorit offers exceptional opportunities to engage learners of all ages about the wonders and complexities of our interconnected world."
Karl Mohr recently retired after a career in community planning, municipal finance, and higher education administration. As a strong believer in the power of education to transform individuals, communities, and the world, Karl is thrilled to offer his support and energy to advance Explorit’s mission. As Treasurer of the Board, he is committed to ensuring that Explorit has the resources and support to continue providing outstanding science education programs in the Davis community and beyond. Karl received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Economics from the University of Oregon and taught economics at Cal Poly SLO and Sacramento City College.

" Explorit provides a wonderful opportunity for hands-on science and exploration for the whole family."
" Explorit provides a wonderful opportunity for hands-on science and exploration for the whole family."
Julie Langston is excited to be a board member with Explorit. She works with the board and staff to ensure Explorit remains solvent in order to continue providing educational opportunities to our community. She also enjoys maintaining Explorit's outdoor areas to be both visually appealing and educational, working on projects such as our new pollinator garden with both hands-on and remote learning. Julia works in the healthcare field and is looking forward to our programs that connect individual health with our plant’s health.
" I am proud to be a part of Explorit's important role of supporting and creating tomorrow's scientists. We ensure access to hands-on, fun learning experiences for families throughout the region."

"I am excited to be a part of Explorit's board to further their mission of encouraging people of all ages to take interest in science and the world around them. Hands-on experiences with science can have lifelong impacts on students, motivating them to pursue careers in STEM."
Board Member
Diedre Reitz received her Ph.D. in Genetics from the University of Chicago in 2019, and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Davis. Her research is focused on the relationship between DNA damage, genome rearrangements, and cancer. She has been engaged in non-profit science outreach work since 2016, motivated by her passion for molecular biology and the excellent mentors and science teachers that she had throughout her life.

" As a former park ranger, I can attest to the value of Explorit's hands-on learning and am excited to be a part of it all."
" I am excited to be on the board to help further science education to the youth of our community."
"I am excited to be on the board to help further science education to the youth of our community."
Board Member
John Horn is an electrical engineering manager, working for Intel Corp for the past 35 years. In addition to creating world-changing technology, John enjoys teaching & enabling STEM-related growth to people of all ages. He has been particularly involved in school-related nonprofits for 20+ years and has been a member of Explorit Science Center's Board of Trustees for the past 2 years.

"My family and I have come to treasure Explorit, a remarkable little science center just five minutes from home."
"My family and I have come to treasure Explorit, a remarkable little science center just five minutes from home."
Board Member
Born and raised in Northern California, Molly Bechtel is a proud alumna of UC Davis (B.A.S., Psychology with a Biology emphasis and Communication) and the University of the Pacific (M.A., Educational Leadership). She currently works in the UC Davis College of Engineering as the director of communications and strategic priorities. In her free time, Molly enjoys making memories with her husband and two sons, and this includes visits to Explorit.

"I have organized numerous science-based camps for children to spark and sustain the same passion for science that I have always had. Serving on Explorit's board is both a privilege and honor."
Board Member
Since moving to Davis in 1993, I have volunteered for local youth, cultural, educational, and charitable organizations. I have been the coordinator and presenter of the Davis Astronomy Club at the Explorit Science Center for about two decades, where I have shared my love of science in general and astronomy in particular with local enthusiasts of all ages.

"As a former Explorit educator as well as current Board member, one of the most exciting and rewarding things I know is watching a kid’s face when they use science to discover something for themselves about the world around them."
Board Member
Bob Tyzzer grew up in San Diego, has a PhD in Anthropology, and enjoys science-fiction, sailing, and working on (and driving!) his two 1960s vintage MG automobiles. In addition to being the Explorit Board secretary, he is also secretary of the board of CONTACT – Cultures of the Imagination, a California non-profit educational corporation that deals with cultural futures and the “active anticipation of the future” through anthropology and other social sciences, science-fiction, and art.

"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Explorit has and will continue to lead the way in a broad array of hands-on science education for families in the Davis community. I am excited to be part of this mission!"
"Explorit engages our curious natures with meaningful, hands-on science experiences and invites us to interact with our universe with curiosity and joy. Come Explorit with us!"
Board Member
Glen Lusebrink is a longtime elementary school teacher with a background in geology and art. Early in his teaching career, Glen was trained by the AIMS Education Foundation as a workshop facilitator, teaching teachers how to integrate math and science into exciting, experiential, hands-on activities. The AIMS influence permeates his classroom and has led to work on the Star Wars franchise at Lucas Learning, the Science Teaching Internship Program at UC Davis, teaching and writing curriculum at Explorit, and on the Science Expert Panel for the Next Generation Science Standards. He is pleased to join Explorit Science Center's Board of Trustees and on Saturday mornings you can often find him at the Explorit booth at the Davis Farmers' Market.
Board Info
The overall Board responsibilities are Fund Development, Ambassadorship, Fiscal Oversight, Policy Making, Board Development, and Planning. The board meets at least quarterly and may meet monthly as needed. Board members are elected or re-elected to two-year terms at the Annual meeting in October. Officers are elected or re-elected to one-year terms at the same meeting.
We are currently looking for board members! To apply, please fill out the application below and send to us via email at explorit@explorit.org.
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