By Sara Thompson
Special to the Enterprise
Photo by Ashley Spratt, US Fish and Wildlife Service, obtained from Wikimedia Commons.
Earth Day is April 22, 2023. Our world is home to countless different species of plants and animals that all need it to survive and thrive. On this day we like to remind ourselves of ways we can keep our Earth healthy for everyone who depends on it.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into law in December 1973. Overseen by both the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Services, the ESA has been protecting species in danger of becoming extinct and helping those species to recover so they no longer need the protection of the Act. The process for a species to be included on the ESA’s endangered species list can take several years, many screening processes and research. Those petitioning to have a species included must show their reasonings and impact of their loss to the environment. There are several ways for a species to be removed from the list including increased population size, threats are eliminated or controlled, or an increase in habitat and stability of its quality.
There are several international conservation groups, such as The World Wildlife Fund, The Nature Conservancy, and UNICEF, that help oversee endangered and threatened species worldwide. A species is considered endangered if it is in danger of extinction throughout a significant portion or all of its natural range. A species is considered threatened if it is in danger of becoming endangered throughout a significant portion or all of its natural range.
There are several ways to help preserve our planet and keeping it healthy for all species. Following the three “Rs” of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle can help conserve our natural resources and reduce landfill space. Use reusable shopping bags to help reduce plastic pollution in our natural spaces. Look for and use non-toxic chemicals for your home and places of work. Educate yourself about other conservation efforts and volunteers for conservation organizations. A common tradition of Earth Day is planting trees which help provide oxygen, cool our neighborhoods, and become homes for our local and native animals. At home, plant native plants for our local pollinators. There are many ways to help conservation efforts on Earth Day and every day.
Explorit's coming events:
• Mark your calendars! Big Day of Giving is on Thursday, May 4, 2023. Don’t want to wait to help Explorit continue to educate and inspire the scientists of tomorrow, donate now at:
• Our exhibit “Explorit Rocks!” is open to the public on Fridays from 1-4pm, Saturdays and Sundays from 10am-2pm. Admission is $5 per person. Explorit Members, ASTC, and those age 2 and under free.
• A Membership to Explorit grants the recipient free visits to Explorit’s regular public hours, discounts on events, summer camps and workshops, and gives you ASTC benefits to visit other museums throughout the world. To purchase or for more information visit or call Explorit at 530-756-0191.
• School Programs are available to schedule for the 2023-2024 school year. We have educational programs that travel to schools and options for field trips at our facility. Please call 530-756-0191 for more information or to schedule.